SQL Server get number of occurrences of a character in a string

Abhilash S
Published in
Apr 13, 2022


In SQL Server its a common requirement to count how many times a particular character is appeared in a string

in “Hello friend” , “l” occurred 2 times 

To find the number of occurrences , lets use a logic by

  1. Take total length of the string , say its 12 , in our case
  2. Now remove all “l” s
  3. Find difference before and after removing “l”
  4. This difference is the number of occurrence of “l” in the string “Hello friend”


select len('Hello friend')12select replace('Hello friend','l','')10select len('Hello friend') - len(replace('Hello friend','l',''))2



Abhilash S

Solutions Architect @ Intertoons , Over 16 years of Collective experiences In Windows , Linux Developments , Redhat, Google Certified Professional